models of all ages, Sizes, nationalities and genders Needed!

Seeking models for Amazon Product and Corporate Marketing/Branding Photography/Videography sessions. All sessions pay $50/hour for all adults and experienced kid talent and $25/hour for inexperienced kid talent. Most sessions are between 30 mins and 1-hour in duration and any time over 1-hour is prorated accordingly.
Most sessions take place at newNsight Photography Studio/ISA in Suwanee, GA but also locations in the surrounding metro Atlanta area.
All Talent receives copies of their photos and/or video files to use for their portfolio. There are sometimes added perks as well as some product clients provide sample products for our models/actors to keep!
The next product session is slated to start within 2 weeks. We urge ALL interested talent to submit to our talent database for the opportunity to participate in upcoming sessions. No previous experience required so please share with others you think may be interested as we need a vast array of models from all nationalities.
** If linking from Instagram, open a new browser window to visit the registration form https://www.ironesa.com/talent-registration for proper functionality of file upload fields.**
We take safety VERY seriously and want to assure our talent that we take exceptional measures to ensure everyone’s safety, which is why we offer contactless sessions. Please see below for details:
Client Session Safety Procedures during COVID-19:
The safety of our clients and team is of great importance. Therefore, we have implemented additional safety measures to take before, during and after each session to comply with local and national safety guidelines and to ensure we provide a clean, sterile and comfortable studio environment for all clients and staff during the COVID -19 crisis. Please carefully review and prepare to comply with the following client session safety procedures:
The newNsight Photography and ISA studio is cleaned and disinfected after each session. Sessions are scheduled at least 3 days apart or the space is sterilized via ozone sterilization and ventilated at least 12 hours between sessions.
newNsight/ISA staff will make every effort to maintain a 6 feet distance from clients and event attendees throughout the session time. As much as client hugs are our favorite, unfortunately, for everyone’s safety, we have to practice social distancing at this time 😢.
newNsight/ISA staff are required to wash hands at the start of each session and at the conclusion of each session as well as sanitize periodically throughout the session day. Hand sanitizer is to be used in the event no wash area is available.
Clients are asked to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer as needed throughout the session time.
newNsight Photography/ISA staff are required to wear face masks at all times during all sessions for added safety unless staff member is more than 15 feet away from others.
Studio session time and lobby access is strictly reserved for only clients scheduled to participate in the photo/recording session.
Studio Sessions will be limited to only the lead photographer. No assistants will be present/available at this time.
All clients and staff are asked to remove shoes and leave them in the lobby area. (For full body sessions, shoes will be sani-wiped and carried to backdrop area.
If newNsight/ISA staff or clients show any symptoms that include coughing, fever, chills or shortness of breath, they should be disclosed immediately. We will do our very best to provide a replacement team/team member and/or honor, without penalty, a new session day and time once symptoms are clear for a period of 2 week.